Gut Microbiome – Repopulate for Health

You can get rid of the bad, harmful bacteria in your gut and repopulate the good bacteria through correct eating.

Most health challenges start in your gut and appear throughout your body. Gliden derived opioid peptides keep you addicted to wheat and grain products and they are contained in almost all fast food, because of their addictive nature.

Through eating the correct foods you will feed your beneficial bacteria in your gut. The bad bacteria will die-off and your optimum health will manifest, maybe for the first time in your life.

Your brain and gut communicate continually through the vagus nerve.

Reintroduce good bacteria through the medium of “homemade” yogurt. It is easy and much better than grocery store yogurts with no bad preservatives or sugar.

We use a microbiotic solution in the place of the pharmacueticals. We replace the beneficial “lost” microbes caused by; Antibiotic drugs and Wheat and other mutated grains.

Exposure to most modern mouthwash and toothpaste (just use soda), most all modern cooking oils and especially wheat and grain products.

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