Alan Hicks

Alan Hicks

I share tips to normalize diabetes, loose weight and make money online.

Thoughts are Containers

Your repetivly thinking thoughts become your reality. This changes your biology. Audit or become aware of your thoughts. You should not believe every thought that comes in your mind. You can choose what you think and you should choose. This…

Many Benefits of Cloves

Whether you eat whole cloves or prepare a tea one or two whole cloves on an empty stomach provides tremendoud health benefits, especially for diabetics. Cloves contain eugenol, a hormone which improves your body’s ability to regulate blood Eugenol helps…

“Fermented Foods”

There are many pickled foods that are easily made and full of health benefits, but fermented foods are “alive” and require refridgeration after fermentation. I’m speaking of foods that are “Alive” not canned. There is nothing bad with canned foods,…

Health is on Your Plate or Not!

What you eat and when you eat it will dramatically reduce blood/sugar spikes or dramarically increase spikes! We want to reduce the number of daily spikes and the spike height. This is easily done by simply changing the order that…

Short Chain Fatty Acids

The lifeline that reverses diabetes. They come from ingesting fiber. Most all modern foods do not have any fiber. Fiber is removed to extend shelf life. This is terrible for everyone, but especially diabetics! Short chain fatty acids supress the…

So As You Think, So Are You

We are the substance of our thoughts and we are subject to change, if we change our thought life. We will change. In the Bible; Hebrews 11:1, Now Faith is, the Suject of things hoped for, the Evidence of things…

Develop an “Attitude of Gratitude”

This requires a change of how you view yourself and your life. Everyone has things in their life that they are grateful for, think on these things. Thinking like this makes your body function much more efficiently and greatly increases…

A Good Night’s Sleep

Is it really that important? A bad night’s sleep will cause a bigger sugar spike from the same foods. It upsets your entire metabolism. Your body will over react to sugar, and you are more likely to suffer a sugar…