Alan Hicks

Alan Hicks

I share tips to normalize diabetes, loose weight and make money online.

Your Brain has Been Hi-jacked

I call the result of a Hi-jacked Brain; Stinkin Thinkin !!! Most everyday we operate on auto-pilot! Almost no new, original, creative thinking involved! This thinking and behavior drastically keeps us TRAPPED! We must re-program our stinkin-thinkin! Start creating the…

. No More Glucose Spikes

The more glucose spikes, the faster you age and the sicker you get. We must learn how to stop glucose spikes everyday throughout the day. Eat foods on your plate in this order: 1st; Veggies, 2nd; Proteins and Fats, 3rd;…

. Put Some Clothes on Your Carbs

Combine starches and sugars with fiber, protein and fat. This will slow carb absorption. This reduces “Hunger” harmonies dramatically, which greatly reduces Hunger. This practice also greatly reduces insulin spikes, helping to regulate glucose levels through the day. Some examples;…

Chromium Picolonate

Health for your pancreas. It lowers Blood-Sugar and blood-sugar spikes. It optimizes the release of insulin promoting insulin control. Chromium prevents free radicals and plaquing of your arteries. Dosages from 200 to 1,000 micrograms per day. Chromium promotes a healthy…