Thoughts are Containers

Your repetivly thinking thoughts become your reality. This changes your biology. Audit or become aware of your thoughts.

You should not believe every thought that comes in your mind. You can choose what you think and you should choose. This is the way you stay in control of your thoughts.

Your thoughts come out of habits.

Watch = WORDS, ACTIONS, THOUGHTS, CHARACTER, HABITS Trancending – Ending the “Bad Thoughts” Habit.

Abra – Acknowledge, Breathe, Release, Align

Don’t Resist bad thoughts. Acknowledge them. What you resist consists. Now throw them away mentally from your thought life. Breathe in the positive thoughts you want and exhale the negative thoughts.

Doubt your doubts and believe your beliefs. You can’t stop these negative thoughts, but you can be aware of them and do a little “Course Correct”.

Your thoughts are merely programs in your mind that are subject to change or re-programing!

You can change your mind’s thoughtlife. You must make a shift to change. You must detach from where you are right now.

Change your thoughts and expectancies and you will change!

Choose your words with logic not emotions. Don’t speak most thoughts. Only speak what you want. Speaking thoughts give them power.

Positive Thinking is not popular with most people. However this fact does not mean it doesn’t work, but it does have to be learned and practiced.

Negative thinking is your biggest single enemie! Saying a thought out loud is 10 times more powerful than just thinking it. Negativity is 4 to 7 times more powerful than positivity!!!

When you speak negativly it is 40 to 70 times more likely what you said will happen. Do you see the damage caused by your thinking and conversation choices?

We observe and report. Stop observing and reporting negativity.

The past is real, but is not predictible, unless you let it.

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