“Fermented Foods”

There are many pickled foods that are easily made and full of health benefits, but fermented foods are “alive” and require refridgeration after fermentation.

I’m speaking of foods that are “Alive” not canned. There is nothing bad with canned foods, but most of the nutrients are killed with the canning process (boiling).

The giveaway ingredient is vinegar. Fermented vegetables and fruits are “Raw” and contain all the beneficial vitamins and probiotics that aid in gut health.

There are literally trillions of active probiotics for gut health per tablespoon of any fermented vegetable.

Fermented foods are “alive”. The polyfenols, vitamins and minerals are “bio-active”. They are amplified by the lacto-bacterial (pro-biotics) which makes them more absorbable.

Fermented foods are excellent for gut health which transfers health to the entire body.

Fermentation breaks down lectans. Soaking beans overnight before cooking is a good example of reducing lectans before eating. Fermentation gives you valuable post-biotics like; short-chain fatty acids.

Butyrates, for example, made from fiber, (if you have acetic acid from fermented foods) like homemade yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, miso, tempeh and kefir.

Fermented foods increase bio-diversity in your gut-microbiome. This will increase the number of health promoting microbes. It is more easily digested than even raw foods.

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