A Good Night’s Sleep

Is it really that important?

A bad night’s sleep will cause a bigger sugar spike from the same foods. It upsets your entire metabolism. Your body will over react to sugar, and you are more likely to suffer a sugar spike/dip after eating a meal.

You will crave more carbs after a poor night’s rest. You will have a less healthy gut microbiome.

Your body likes consistency, when it comes to sleep. Go to bed about the same time and wake up about the same time.

The message here is your body likes regularity when it comes to sleep, but that’s not to say you can’t go out for a late night.

Sleep for your brain to re-fuel itself and get rid of waste and damaged cells. Sleep occupies nearly one third of our lives…for a reason!

A good night’s rest is so very important. This is when your body, especially your brain repairs and rebuilds.

Memory is moved from short-term to long-term (hippocampus). A lack of sleep promotes weight gain and lack of motovation.

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